It’s Time For More Joy In Our Lives, In Our World!
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The Joyometer, Declaration Of Intent and the eBook Bringing Joy To Love.
Bob Doyle Interviews Karin Volo
Bob Doyle, a Law of Attraction expert from The Secret and founder of Boundless Living, interviews Karin Volo the Founder of the Joy Movement and the author of the Bringing Joy series, about how you can live a more joyful life and help bring more joy into the world now!
The Fastest Way To A More Joyful Life!
No matter your current circumstances you can have more joy in your life starting right now! In the next few minutes, I will explain the Joy Movement and how you can participate in the movement that is changing the world….one life at a time, starting with YOU!
The Joy Movement
First, I KNOW with all my heart that we are all meant to be living a joyous and fulfilling life.
It Is Possible! Together We Can…
Feel More Joy Today.
The Joy Movement is dedicated to helping you feel more joy in your life today (no matter the circumstances or situation you may be in right now) and then spreading joy in your family, community and the world at large!
Living A Joyful Life IS Possible!
Why should you listen to me? I know this is possible because during one of the toughest times in my life where I was separated from my family for 1400 days (yes, that’s almost 4 years)…I found Joy!
…and my children found Joy too! They learned to be confident and strong, no matter what was going on, because they knew the secret to living a joyful life.
I know you can find joy too…no matter what your circumstances!
5 Simple Ways to Get More Joy In Your Life Starting Right Now!
1. DECIDE that you want to live your life with more joy and happiness.
2. Write a Joy List that includes the things that bring joy in your life. (This is a great exercise to do with your kids!)
3. Spend time with someone you love and tell them how much they mean to you!

4. Go outside and enjoy the day and the energy we get from our planet.
5. Join the Joy Movement and start meeting like-minded people in your community and from around the world!
Right Now The World Needs More Joy!
You’ve seen the headlines worldwide, the economy is a mess, our environment is in trouble, more people are struggling, unhealthy, and depressed than ever before in our history.
People are scared and our social systems seem to be falling apart as we watch our governments, education, and religious institutions failing us at the same time! Finding the peace and joy inside of yourself is critical right now.
If you can choose to find joy, and teach your kids and your family the same, YOU will make a difference in the world!
It’s a perfect time to bring more joy into the world! Learn just how powerful you really are with Joy. It IS possible to live a life filled with joy!
Be An Ambassador For Joy!
A Joy Ambassador is first and foremost dedicated to living with more Joy in their life and then sharing their Joy with the world.
Please share this page with your friends and loved ones and let them know you care!
Help us to spread more Joy!
Join The Joy Movement!
Enter your information to receive your 3 FREE GIFTS and decide to find joy in your life today and every day.
You will also receive email updates on ways you can participate in the Joy Movement.
We want YOU to be a part of this Joyful community and help Bring More Joy into our world right now!
MAKE A DIFFERENCE! It Is Possible! Together We Can…